Biyernes, Disyembre 13, 2013

Mini Curriculum

Who:    Street children in our Barangay ages 7 to 12 years old
   15 to 20 children
Where: Barangay Hall
When:   December 19 - 21, 2013 / 9am to 11am
What:               Outreach Program

Topic: Jesus is the love of God
Text: John 3:16 (NIV) For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Outline: 1. Love of God is available to all
  2.  Love of God by giving his only Son Jesus Christ
 3.   Love of God is eternal gift
1.      To describe the love of God through Jesus. 
2.      To explain the gift of eternal life through Jesus.
3.      To respond to the love of God by accepting the eternal gift. 
9:00 am – 9:10am:                   Assembly Time
9:10 am – 9:20am:                   Sing a Song
(Jesus is a happy name, Jesus loves the little children)
9:20 am – 9:25am:                   Opening Prayer
9:25 am – 9:40am                    Activity:  Video Clip about the “Jesus & The Cross” ( edition)
9:40 am – 10:00 am                 Analysis –Groupings, facilitate children to identify their understanding about the video clip, let them explain and relate their experiences about the love of God.
10:00am – 10:30am                 Abstraction
Concept to dig for discussion
1.      What kind of love God give to us?
2.      How God express his love to us?
3.      How can we receive the love of God?
10:30am – 10:45am                 Application – Lesson Object 
We will prepare a wooden cross for them to visualize how much God love them by sacrificing his son Jesus Christ to the cross to pay our sin. We will also prepare a trick of cutting a cross out of the folding paper.
10:45am – 10: 55 am
            Parlor Game
10:55am -11:00am

            Closing Prayer / Distribution of food, Wrap Up

      After discovering the educational concept in my journey of learning I experience total deterioration of my assumption that brought me into an inner process of finding meaning that represent real and permanent transformation which happened in my inner most soul. As I contemplate the pieces of experience in my journey I had viewed myself as a learner who is passive, empty vessel, banking knowledge and receiver. The content and process was focused to the program that is very oppressive, one way communication, spoon feeding methods, subjective - objective which resulted agitation, disconnection to the true meaning of learning, and loss of self-directed learning. Because the teacher as the authoritarian, the expert, reliable source, the depositor of lesson, and narrator or lecturer.
     However, the true learning from the true education concept must experience liberation,open for critical consciousness and awareness that create a space in finding true meaning from their experience which renounces and awaken the critical thinking ability of a learner. Furthermore, the content and process of student and teacher are crucial in developing a true meaning of learning’s. The involvement of two individual must practice a horizontal dialog, reflective process of experiences, collaborative setting, and with mutual respect to each other.
     Nevertheless, if my education never experiences a total transformation I suspected my process of learning never awaken my critical awareness of learning.

Sabado, Disyembre 7, 2013

Learning Style

Insight for Learner

Each human have different kind of learning and thinking style. As we grow mature it demonstrates our level of education we have and having learning experience that validate through transformation in our life. One thing I learned from CTM this morning was to be able to locate my learning style through answering the activity prepared by our professor. I believe in knowing our self can produce a potential learning style, invest in the strength we have, and can easily adjust to any situation we are involve. And truly enough when I evaluate my answer it ensued knowledge that I am a reflector and theorist. Reflector is more in processing ideas,  analyzing and synthesizing while theorist are more truth seeker, logical and discipline in thinking. I realized my behavior and way of thinking was the product of my learning style from my environment, family culture and genes and educational background.

As a learner, knowing ourselves is very essential in having a healthier position to select learning experiences that ensemble to our style.

Martes, Disyembre 3, 2013

First Meeting

November 26 was our first meeting in Creative Teaching Method with Prof. Leonides Son my past professor last semester in ministry of youth. I’m so excited about the course and all the learning’s that I can apply for my future plan as educator.

The first thing we do is to introduce our self to each other especially there is a new student in our class other than my old classmates last semester. Our professor let us speak about the reason why we enrolled his subject and what do we expect on his class. I think the exercise of knowing your co- student personally, sharing your expectation for the course and being open about each personality is a lot of help in building camaraderie.

We also tackle about the different learners as adult and young people. The discussions are more collaborative, exchanging opinion, sharing ideas, validating suggestion and assimilating knowledge. And through that dialogue I got lots of learning and application about what really is education relate to learning. As educator it is really important to know what those content are and context of your student and how to engage student activities that will have educational benefits for them. I would say the strategy of our professor in allowing student to share and exchange knowledge is very effective in achieving learning that will last and store in every individual.

I am looking forward for more challenging experience and activities in our course. God bless!!!!