November 26 was our first meeting in Creative Teaching
Method with Prof. Leonides Son my past professor last semester in ministry of
youth. I’m so excited about the course and all the learning’s that I can apply
for my future plan as educator.
The first thing we do is to introduce our self to each other
especially there is a new student in our class other than my old classmates
last semester. Our professor let us speak about the reason why we enrolled his
subject and what do we expect on his class. I think the exercise of knowing
your co- student personally, sharing your expectation for the course and being
open about each personality is a lot of help in building camaraderie.
We also tackle about the different learners as adult and
young people. The discussions are more collaborative, exchanging opinion,
sharing ideas, validating suggestion and assimilating knowledge. And through that
dialogue I got lots of learning and application about what really is education relate
to learning. As educator it is really important to know what those content are
and context of your student and how to engage student activities that will have
educational benefits for them. I would say the strategy of our professor in allowing
student to share and exchange knowledge is very effective in achieving learning
that will last and store in every individual.
I am looking forward for more challenging experience and
activities in our course. God bless!!!!
Nice try... :D