Sabado, Disyembre 7, 2013

Learning Style

Insight for Learner

Each human have different kind of learning and thinking style. As we grow mature it demonstrates our level of education we have and having learning experience that validate through transformation in our life. One thing I learned from CTM this morning was to be able to locate my learning style through answering the activity prepared by our professor. I believe in knowing our self can produce a potential learning style, invest in the strength we have, and can easily adjust to any situation we are involve. And truly enough when I evaluate my answer it ensued knowledge that I am a reflector and theorist. Reflector is more in processing ideas,  analyzing and synthesizing while theorist are more truth seeker, logical and discipline in thinking. I realized my behavior and way of thinking was the product of my learning style from my environment, family culture and genes and educational background.

As a learner, knowing ourselves is very essential in having a healthier position to select learning experiences that ensemble to our style.

1 komento:

  1. ate, we are the same learning style! i thought i am pragma because of my age.. hahaha, but i guess it's true... I always reflect and evaluate in everything that i do.
